What is Ionized Water

How do Water Ionizers Work

Ionized Water Health Benefits

Ionized Water Filters for Cleaning

Side Effects of Alkaline Ionized Water

Do Water Ionizers Really Work

Water Ionizer Variations

Ionized Water: Is it All a Hoax

The ionization of water equation is as follows. H2O (l) ⇌ H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) The effectiveness of the above mentioned process in achieving the end, though, is neither accepted by scientists nor validated by the manufacturers. In case of acidity, minerals stacked in our teeth, bones and organs are borrowed by our system to restore the normal pH level of the body. Very high acid levels cause diarrhea, anxiety, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and immunity impairment. Such a medical condition, also known as acidosis reduces the cellular healing ability and prevents it from producing sufficient energy. Research has shown that an acidic medium also offers a favorable environment for thriving of cancer cells. However, some doctors do not recommend the use of water ionizers to address these health concerns. According to them, these machines use metals like platinum or titanium to achieve ionization of water, something far inferior to introducing natural minerals good for our body. Spring water becomes naturally alkaline while passing over rocks providing a better alternative. Water molecules come in the form of large clusters making it difficult to get absorbed into the body. Going by the water ionizer company claims, their products are capable of bringing down the size of the clusters thereby making water absorption cakewalk for the body. This, however, has been rubbished by many scientists of reputed universities. According to these learned men, the process of breaking down huge molecule clusters and forming microclusters has not yet been fully understood and demands further investigation and research. No satisfactory proof of such exhaustive study could be provided by any water ionizer company. Alkaline ionized water is also said to act as an antioxidant. If the proponents are to be believed, they are a massive storehouse of free electrons shielding the body parts from unnecessary oxidation by unstable free radicals. The latter are a major cause of cellular and DNA damage leading to premature aging and onset of various diseases. Certain review websites rank water ionizers higher than reverse osmosis water filters since although both provide healthy purified water, the former makes the water easily absorbable in the human body and also offers a good cleaning solution. In spite of the debatable claims, if you feel inclined to buy one for your home, do a proper market review of the top brands to zero in on the best one for you. Don’t stop yourself from making a meticulous brand comparison as well, before going the whole hog. https://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/howtosolveit/Equilibrium/Autoionization_of_Water.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis_of_water http://www.aquahealthproducts.com/understanding-ph-and-orp

Water Ionizer   Science Facts - 78Water Ionizer   Science Facts - 16