Luminance is crucial in designing cellphone screens, making them easy to see and use. Because their luminance differs, some screens look sharper and more vivid than others.
Is Luminance the Same as Brightness
Where: -dφ represents the luminous flux in lumens (lm) -dA is the differential area in square meters (m²) -dω is the differential solid angle in steradians (sr) -θ stands for the angle between the normal to the surface and the line of sight CGS System: A lesser-known unit is stilb. 1 stilb = 1 candela per square centimeter or 1 sb = 1 cd/cm2. Luminance quantifies the amount of light passing through or emitted from a particular area and falling within a given solid angle. On the other hand, brightness encompasses a broader, subjective aspect, allowing an observer to identify a light source as emitting more or less light. It refers to how bright or dark an object appears to a viewer.