What is Electromagnetic Force

Electromagnetic Force Examples

Electromagnetic Force Equation

Applications of Electromagnetic Force

Difference between Gravitational Force and Electromagnetic Force

How does Electromagnetic Force Work? The electric force originates from the interaction between charged particles, whether they are stationary or moving. Opposite charges attract each other while like charges repel. Charged particles give rise to an electric field. However, when the particles start to move, they generate a magnetic field which gives rise to a magnetic force. The electromagnetic force is manifested when the electric and magnetic fields interact with the charged particles. It is an exchange force, and the particles that carry the force are known as photons. Who Discovered Electromagnetic Force? In 1820, Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted was the first to observe that the needle of a magnetic compass deflects when placed near a current-carrying wire. Later that year, he published his results in a pamphlet.

Electrons moving around a nucleusThe molecules of waterElectromagnetic waves (E.g., light, radio waves, X-rays, and UV-rays)A current passing through a wire

Where q is the charge of the particle, (\vec{v}) is the velocity, ( \vec{E} ) is the electric field and ( \vec{B}) is the magnetic field.

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