Like other food chains, the different trophic levels of an arctic food chain are producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and apex predators. Here, we will explore the arctic food chains of the ocean and the grassland. While the terrestrial food chain is quite diverse, the oceans remain frozen with ice. Despite these challenges, oceans also inhabit various small and large aquatic organisms.
Ocean Arctic Food Chain
Terrestrial Arctic Food Chain
Arctic Tundra Food Chain
The tertiary consumers, such as leopard seals, feed on the secondary consumers. Polar bears and Orca whales act as tertiary or apex (quaternary) consumers, depending on their participation in the food chain. Polar bears feed on and eat seals and fish, while Orca whales feed on small fishes and larger fishes like whales and seals. When the predators die, decomposers in the soil mineralize their bodies, releasing the nutrients that the producers readily take up.